Ten days to go

In the last post the well was drilled.  We now have a trench with water pipe connecting to this pressure tank.  We are expecting a softener to be installed in the next few days.

Finally we have some steps.  These are temporary steps that have been built for the external doors.  They will be in place until the permanent concrete ones are poured in the spring.  Not shown are the permanent wooden steps in place in the garage going into our laundry room.

The electrical box was installed. We now have a big bundle of cables ready to be installed into the box. We still do not have finished switches or outlets.

We have a heat pump installed now.  So now we have heating and cooling.  I sure hope the heat works since it is getting very cold now.

The tub has been unboxed!  You can see the tub stand in place to the left of the picture below.  A very dark gray tile is along the supports and on the wall. Maybe the tub will be installed tomorrow?  I am looking forward to using it often!

So now we have a very dark “wood” laminate on the great room floor.  You can see the color below. Fortunately the entire floor is covered with protective cardboard.


Our builder claims the work will be done by Oct 26.  I have a hard time believing that, but if so – TEN DAYS TO GO!