Spring 2021 has started!

Spring garden preparation has really started early this year. Tom has been having some very beautiful days out in the garden building new beds. The gray boxes are the four we had from last year. You can see the two new beds farther way. Since this picture was taken, there is yet another two beds being built. Tom has already planted peas in two of these beds – you can see the fences.

Some of our experiments from last year are paying off already. We have some volunteer onions already coming up. We also found out late last fall that brussel sprouts take TWO years to produce. I had not heard of that before but it is definitely happening. There are small sprouts beginning to form on stalks already.

We still have a lot of preparation work to complete. We are adding manure amendments and will be tilling it in soon. The fencing around the garden took quite a beating during the winter and so that has to be repaired.