So close, but not quite there…

Things are moving along very quickly now. At the end of last month, just a few days ago, we closed on our construction loan. The whole process of getting a loan of this sort is very complicated. I am glad that our lender was so friendly and helpful and kept us on track. We did a lot of the paperwork via email. Most of the details our lender already had since it was the same lender as for the lot loan. We were able to update most of the documentation fairly easily. It felt very good to get that in the rearview mirror.

Yesterday I received an email from the power company with the design of the temporary power setup. This was a six-week process for which I was in the dark the entire time. I would have to say I was very disappointed in not being able to get any update from the company at all when this work would be done. I am glad that it was finally delivered. I also discovered that the power company does not actually set up the temporary power, they are only designing it. Fortunately, our construction company was aware of that and is indeed planning on installing the temporary power.  My understanding is that the power company will set up the permanent power near the end of construction. I do hope that process will go better.

The county just approved the septic system design and location. That too was a long process! Now that we have all that information, we know where the septic system goes and also importantly where we can’t put a well. Our construction company has several different well drillers they have worked with in this area. I have been told that they will get the permit for the well. I am glad to turn over the permit-getting process back to our construction company!

Are permits all in line? No. After speaking with our construction coordinator, there are at least two more permits, in addition to the well, that have to be approved. The first is for the driveway and is from the township. The second is the building permit and that is through the county. I hope that this does end the permit process! If all goes well, we might be breaking ground in about two or three weeks. That would put the groundbreaking between the 18th and 25th of April. Whoo-hoo!