Roof is going on

Trusses were delivered and unloaded yesterday.  This morning much of the roof work was already in progress.  It looks like most of the trusses are in place in this picture except those over the garage.

Twelve hours later and there is a huge noticeable difference.  All of the roof is on, now including the part over the garage. Plywood and waterproof paper are on as well.  Most of the windows and doors are cut out already.

This last picture below is from the front door looking through the dining room into the living room.  The guest area is to the left out of the picture and the kitchen and master suite are on the far right.  You can see the back door for the kitchen.  Looking carefully, you can see where two additional windows are framed in the living room, but not yet cut out.

At the rate these framers are working, all of this portion of the build will be in the “dried-in” stage by the end of this next week.  That is the estimate of our builder.  Amazing.