New raised beds

Raised beds

Tom has been busy! With the coronavirus keeping us at home (not allowed to be at work) he decided to try to stay busy doing useful things. Thank you Tom! The back two beds are from last year. We raised carrots which did really well. We then attempted a second planting of peas which were doing well also until an early hard freeze. We had no choice but to pick all of the undeveloped pea pods. They were delicious though. In any case, we will be planting peas in all four boxes and when they are done, we will plant something else.

He has also built two boxes right outside the kitchen back door which are taller and not quite so big. I will be planting a lot of basil, cilantro, oregano, parsley, and perhaps lavender. Who knows? The boxes are still pretty big. I am looking forward to pesto. Yum.