Moving fast now

Today Tom and I met a representative of the well drilling company that will be digging our well.  We spoke for a little while and determined where the well should be according to the permit and constraints that are imposed on where the well could be in relation to the septic system.  He educated us on the amount of water pressure, water quality and depth that was common in our area.  All of the information he gave us matched what others had said as well.  At this point, the well will be located approximately 75 feet west off of the southwest corner of our house (master bedroom side).

We also noticed significant changes happening now.  Below is the support structure for the heat pump now in place.

In the picture below, we can see the weeds cut down in the immediate area around where the septic system is going in.  Looks like that might be dug soon now somewhat east of the electrical trench in the foreground.

A peak inside the electrical trench now shows no water but an electrical cable.  Ah! – permanent power is getting closer!

Saving the best for last… Solid walls!  Only two days after the drywall materials were delivered, the walls are up throughout the entire house and garage.  You can even see the kitchen island taking shape in the picture below.

One happy note too – my soaking tub arrived finally and is currently hanging out in the garage waiting for installation in the master bathroom.  Looking forward to using that tub often!