Harvesting in July

Over the last few days Tom and I have been pulling up potatoes. We did a test of 2 plants and got about a half pound of red potatoes in each. Since the leaves of the plants had yellowed, we pulled up all the rest. In total, we harvested about 9 lbs of small red potatoes. We have had some with dinner and they are very tasty.

Our pea plants are still producing peas! I picked peas this morning, shelled this afternoon and cooked them this evening. Oh my! THAT is the way to have peas! It is wild that those plants are still flowering and pods are still filling out. Peas are “supposed to be” a cool weather plant. Right now it is in the upper 80’s and lower 90’s! They have about another 2-3 weeks and I will pull them out and replant peas again. I can’t imagine they can continue much longer…

The cilantro finished growing and as an experiment I thought to get seeds – coriander seeds. I cut the seeds off yesterday and dried them overnight in the dehydrator. Next, I will be bagging them and freezing them. I can’t wait to use them in meals!

We harvested all of the basil and dried it. Right after that we replanted some seeds we were given. So far they haven’t popped up, but we are hopeful they will soon.

Our green beans are growing very well. We planted the beans a few weeks ago in the same bed that had some peas. So far we have high hopes for them.

Our zucchini, cucumbers, watermelon, pumpkins, peppers and tomatoes are doing well. All are flowering and starting to form fruits. So things are getting very busy!