Harvesting in August

August was so busy! Our hay fields were cut. The 500 pound round bales were primarily weedy. The farmer who did the harvesting was feeding goats, so he was ok with that for a first cut. We got 12 bales. Next spring he is hoping for at least forty or more, primarily grasses and clover.

Our vegetable garden is producing a lot of green beans. We estimate that we got at least 10 pounds of beans between mid-August and mid-September. We also got about 8 pounds of carrots. Our second planting of peas are doing well. All of these are in the raised beds. The peas will be ready in just a week or two. Hopefully we will get a few pickings before it gets too cold.

Most of what we planted in-ground did very poorly. Even with some fertilizer and added soil – nothing. Cucumbers, watermelons, zucchini, pumpkins, broccoli and brussel sprouts, corn and beans – zilch. We did get a few tiny peppers, onions and potatoes as well as sparse tomatoes. So we had our soil tested. It appears that the soil has most of the nutrients, but could benefit from a broad balanced fertilizer. Our plan is that once the garden is finished this fall, we will buy manure and spread it generously in the garden and next spring fertilize significantly before planting. I think adding the manure and accompanying bacteria and microbes will benefit it greatly. Overall, the garden this year did better than last year, but has a long way to go still.