Garden update

As the season is coming to an end, we have had a few small successes and a few of our experiments worked as well. You may remember that we planted corn and carrots. These turned out well.  See below.  We had approximately 80 ears of corn and 2 of the raised beds for carrots.

We harvested corn and carrots and a few tomatoes not too long ago!  Tom spent a lot time shucking corn and stealing carrots to snack on when he thought I wasn’t looking.


After a few days of cleaning, cutting, blanching and freezing, we have enough of the corn on the cob, cut corn, and cut carrots for a year! We also bought about 10 pounds of fresh green beans and a few pounds of cherry tomatoes because ours did so poorly. The beans, we blanched and froze. The cherry tomatoes, we dried then froze. See the yummy veggies in our freezer! Yummy and pretty.

We also did a few experiments.  I tried planting kidney beans and black beans.  Overall, they did poorly because of the bad soil.  However we did get enough (about a pound each) to know that with a better approach to amending the soil we can get a significant amount of beans.  I let them grow and dry completely in the field.  Those all I had to do was a quick rinse and re-dry.  Sweet!

Another experiment is that I have also started a second planting of peas.  The first planting barely gave us enough to replant this fall.  Only about a dozen plants sprouted that time.  This second planting we are using both of the emptied raised beds that the carrots had been in.  We planted them the last week in August a few days after we pulled the carrots.  They are doing very well and hopefully we will have more than a handful of peas to show for it by the end of October.