Garden started

So Tom finished the raised beds in the back of the house near the kitchen door. In the beds I planted basil, cilantro, oregano and catnip. We have a lot of rabbits around, so Tom built them tall to help deter them. On night 1 of the new bed, we found digging in the closer bed. So we have a squirrel, possum or raccoon perhaps.

We have also started a decorative pond. Tom got some dug out a few days ago before it started to rain. We are hoping for about 4 ft wide, 8 ft long and at some point 4 ft deep. Ben is planning on giving us some large goldfish to stock it with.

We have begun planting our big garden out front of our house now as well. So far we planted peas in 3 of the raised beds and spinach in the last one a few days ago here is where Tom was planting potatoes. He dug big holes, mounded the middle and added Miracle Grow soil where the seed potato was planted. That’s a lot of very hard work!

So this is a close up of one of the mounds that Tom was planting potatoes. We are hopeful that this technique will work better than last year. He marked the edges of where the potato is – yes that was a problem last year.

These are four rows of onions. I tilled the plot then planted approximately 100 seed white onions. The darker dirt is also Miracle Grow. Unfortunately, the white dots are dandelion puffs. Weeding starting in 3, 2, 1…

We found a nest of about 5 baby bunnies inside the garden. Hopefully the mom will move them elsewhere. We also have a hole in our fence somewhere…