Garden Progress

We have been so busy! After we finished hardening off the indoor plants we planted them in the garden on the 23rd. Finally! We added brussel sprouts, broccoli, sweet peppers, and three varieties of tomatoes – beefsteak, yellow pear and red cherry. One brussel sprout didn’t make it through the hardening process and one tomato plant was damaged during planting. Tom planted zucchini and cucumbers on the 24th and watermelon on the 25th. We have had excellent weather for getting the garden going.

Almost all of what we have planted have been progressing well. The onions and corn are about 3 inches tall. The potato plants are all popped up and the leaves are getting bushy, despite the freeze that killed the first leaves. The peas are about 6 inches tall and beginning to develop flower buds. The spinach will be ready to start harvesting this week! However, the bean plants have not really done much yet and the oregano may not be successful.

One of the more interesting things that we have been doing is an experiment with growing trees. Tom and I found a variety of nuts and seeds last fall (oak, pine, sycamore, walnut, hickory, and a few maple). In early spring we planted them in 18 pots and set them outside. So far we have a 4 inch oak tree and a 2 inch walnut. We are still hoping a few more of them sprout.