Busy, Busy, Busy

Wow, these last few weeks have been crazy busy.  It seems as if every day brings new challenges, surprises, accomplishments, and deliveries!

Tom has been building an enclosure of pine panels about 16ft square.  It is big enough to house the little sailboat and our tractor (not purchased yet).  It looks good and helps a great deal.  He has been working hard to get a lot of the stuff that has been in our garage in the enclosure or in the basement.  We have finally been able to get both cars in our garage!  Yippee!  

We had a power outage last week.  We hadn’t yet decided which generator to get – so we had none.  Yikes!  It sure did get cold quickly in the house.   To say the least, the purchase of a generator moved several spots to the top of the list.  We purchased one a few days ago and Tom is planning on assembling and testing it this weekend.

We finally got the dishwasher installed on the third try. If you remember, first there was no drain for the dishwasher which had to be fixed.  On the second attempt, there was wrong electrical apparently.  On the third try, it was discovered that the second crew installed the wiring wrong.  I haven’t had a working dishwasher in years and it is so nice to have it.  This model is so quiet and works so well.

Some new rugs and barstools have arrived.  We are expecting a cabinet today.  This has helped a great deal to make this house feel like our home.  I am assembling them as they arrive.  I am pretty sure though that our delivery guy is not as thrilled with our purchases as I am.

Kitten update!  Over the past weeks we have been doing a slow introduction for our big and little kittens because Matai was NOT pleased with the little intruding monster.  The little kitten is an orange, long hair, maine coon female.  We named her Aisha – “fire”.  She was very frightened when she arrived.  We kept her in “her” bedroom for the first few days.  I spent a lot of time with her getting her to trust me and getting her confidence built up.  She warmed up faster than I thought she would.  Then came scent exchanges, site swapping, and meeting through the open wires of a crate.  (These were the standard instructions of America’s Cat Daddy.)  It was going very well with slow but steady acceptance of the other’s scents and sounds.  A couple of days ago they began playing through the wire of the crate.  Matai was still growling sometimes and he is four times her size so we were concerned about allowing them to play freely.  We placed the crate in such a way as to block the hallway so that Aisha could enter and leave the crate into the “guest” part of the house while Matai was on the other side in that part of the house.  Then yesterday he managed to move the crate.  Jail break!  Everyone was surprised at that!  But they played, and played, and played as only kittens can.  Romping around the entire house and chasing each other.  It is a wonderful sight seeing two kittens playing happily with each other when only a few weeks ago there was fear.

So now back to assembling bar stools…