A week to go

A week to go and there has been some progress. The kitchen is taking shape.  Countertops and cabinet hardware have been installed. The island has its final trim.  The toe boards around the laminate floor are finally in.  It is looking good!  See below.

Our new water softener has been installed.  This softener will counteract the low level of iron and soften really hard water.  Yay!

The final ground grading has been done.  It looks a lot better, but I had thought the ground level would be higher.  We were planning on planting grass as soon as possible but it might just have to wait until early spring since we just got our first hard freeze.

We still have a broken window to be replaced, repainting the walls due to overspraying, carpeting 3 rooms, the tub installed, toilets and faucets and general plumbing completed, electrical outlets, switches and lighting, the driveway finalized, outside stairs installed, bathroom mirrors as well as a few more things.  Yeah, all to be done in a week.