Pasture is coming along!

We used to have either mud, frozen mud or weeds 6 ft high. We now have what is much closer to pasture. It certainly can’t be grazed yet, still too many inedible weeds, but grasses are taking over.

We planted grasses throughout about half of the pasture areas. I noticed also that there were grasses along the edges of the whole property. Over time and with each mowing, the grasses are moving inward and pushing out the weeds. The planted grass also provide islands that expand as well. Some weeds are ok, like dandilions – but some, like the giant ragweed are not wanted at all. Remember the giant ragweed? The shot below shows what was along our driveway.

Giant ragweed invasion

Other angles show about half grass and half weeds.

Right now we mow the “yard” around the house about once a week. (~ 1-2 acres) We mow the outlying pasture areas (14-15 acres) about once a month. We split that pasture area into 4 sections and mow it along with the “yard”. The battle continues, but we are making progress!