Catching up Nov 9-15

Nov 9 – Week 2 of the move got a bit easier – at least less heavy lifting.  Since we have been without an internet connection for a week, it seemed like a good time to cancel unneeded old utilities (like internet) and begin scheduling the new ones using only my phone.  Within a few hours I started getting warnings of running out of data.  (Ugh! #4)  On the bright side, I was able to make it to a singing performance.  That was a wonderful break from the insanity.

Nov 10-11 –  Over the weekend, there was the normal unpacking and setting up bedrooms and such.  I also was able to make an appointment for the car for Monday morning.  By Sunday night I was out of data as well as energy.

Nov 12 – First thing in the morning I had to pick up a few items I had forgotten at the apartment and my car battery managed to survive long enough to make it to the dealership.  They promptly informed me that my appointment was made incorrectly and I didn’t actually have one at all.  (Ugh! #5)  My car promptly died on the spot!  They now had no choice but to fix it.  (Wasn’t my fault they messed up the appointment.) In any case, they had Wi-Fi so I was happy to wait a few hours to be worked in.  It gave me time to work on my laptop and get some things done!  First on the list, fixing my phone limitations which turned out to be a simple setting flip.  I managed to get dozens of addresses changed online or via phone – nearly all of them that I was allowed to do that way.  Yay!

Nov 13 – Shout out to my son for his birthday.  I didn’t get to see him since he had classes and work.  But the day was spent finishing getting the companies I do business with up-to-date on the address changes. A few required an in-person change!  Our plumber showed up to fix lack of dishwasher drain.  The highlights were the port-o-potty and giagantic dumpster in our front yard were both removed!  Also another joy was scheduling our reconnection to the world – internet service!

Nov 14 –  More unpacking and the house is beginning to look like our home – not there yet but it is a beginning.  Our builder came by to give us an overview of the house and get a list of things still not done.

Nov 15 –  ICE STORM day!  Welcome to your new home by being completely covered in ice…  Some installers came by to finish hanging mirrors in the bathrooms and putting up hardware in the closets.  Imagine carrying very large and heavy mirrors while walking on ice covered gravel!  (Ugh! #6) We had asked our builder numerous times about those things and never got a response on when they would be installed – so we bought a mirror we liked a couple days ago.  Now the installers show up to put them in – during an ice storm.  Fortunately no breakage occurred of either mirrors or bones.  We now have an extra mirror that will end up somewhere!  Another exhausting week done and moving to the third…