Catching up Nov 2-8

The next few posts are catching up time.  This month has been extremely busy with visitors and the actual move.  Here are the highlights of week 1 of the move.

On Nov 2 we had visitors!  Tom’s parents and uncle came for the weekend to see the house, celebrate his mother’s birthday, and deliver a small sailboat.  We got to spend a lot of time with them.  Unfortunately there was so much mud that it was hard for them to see the back side of the house and we had to put the boat in the garage.  It was just the right size to fit!  It is still there.  Yes – the mud continues!

After our visitors headed home, moving activites began in earnest.  We had to be out of our apartment by 5:00 on Nov 8.

Nov 5 – Moving boxes as much as possible.

Nov 6 – The plumbing for the tub was finally finished.  I met with the plumber and the plumbing inspection was completed.   We waited for Home Depot to deliver our appliances, and waited and waited and waited…  While we waited, our county environmental health folks came out to take a water sample from our well and pressure tank.  That was simple and easy. Finally Home Depot arrived several hours late and delivered a refridgerator, microwave, dishwasher, washer, dryer, upright freezer, and range.  The freezer had a big dent in the front and was rejected.  The dishwasher could not be installed because the plumber hadn’t created a drain for it!  Ugh!  Both the installation of the dishwasher and the delivery of an undamaged freezer has to be done again. Finally by about 6pm, the delivery folks left and it was time to go home.  BUT No!  Car battery died.  Ugh! (#2)  By 9pm, AAA had arrived and jumped the battery and I got to go back to the apartment and collapse.  Good thing I had voted early since otherwise voting would have been missed!

Nov 7 – Another day of moving a lot of boxes and deliveries!  A local company arrived at our apartment garage and loaded our riding mower for service and transport.  I then headed over to the house since we had furniture to be delivered from Ashley.  They came on time!  Tom took a half day off work and we rented a UHaul cargo van.  While Tom was getting the van, I drove to the nearby town to sign the last draw check. Once back to the apartment, we hauled 4 van-loads with my son’s help, and finished for the day around 10pm.  We had no beds anywhere, so we stayed in a hotel.  Yikes!  We finally fell asleep around midnight.

Nov 8 – Up at 6am.  Last day of moving with 4 car trips of boxes and small things to the house.  Again my son helped out a lot for which I am grateful.  We had to take down a fish tank and haul them over to the house. (They all survived!)  During one of the trips, our builder was at the house replacing the broken windows.  On the last trip, car completely loaded, including with Matai our new kitten, I went to the apartment management to hand over the keys at 4:54pm.  I signed out with 6 minutes to spare!  Back to the car to find the battery had died again!  (Ugh #3)  AAA again to the rescue.  This time it only took 20 minutes.  I made it back to the house and so Tom and I slept in the house with nothing unboxed.