Soooo close!

We are so close!  It can’t be more than a few more days!  I certainly hope that is the case because appliances and furniture are scheduled to be delivered in less than a week.

Tom and I went to the house this morning and a great deal of the final work has been completed. As you can see in the pictures below, we have a kitchen faucet (and drains!) and functioning lights!  Light fixtures have been installed inside and outside the house as well as switches and outlets.  I have not yet checked them all, but the ones I checked worked.

It feels strange to say but we have toilets!  Yippee!  Well at least they are seated.  I didn’t see if they are hooked up to water so they function correctly.  We do have bathroom sinks with faucets and drains hooked up.

Carpet has been installed in each bedroom and the toe boards are in place. All of the overspray of white paint and the dings, bumps and bruised walls have been corrected and painted.  I think it looks great.

No picture of this yet, but we now have a water heater and the water distribution pipes are up.  Previously we noticed that the sewage outlet had been capped before exiting the house to the septic line. That has now been connected.  I am looking forward to the test of actually running water.

There is still some work to complete.  For instance, the tub is in place, but no faucet or drain is installed yet for that. We still have that broken window to be replaced and none of the screens are up. The driveway is a muddy mess and needs a layer of additional small gravel the entire length with an extra several inches in a very low spot.  That spot turns into quite a large puddle and needs to be raised up. We still need the outside stairs installed, bathroom mirrors as well as closet hardware.  Speaking of MUD, we have a lot of it!  We need grass planted as soon as practical.  I am ready to get moved in.  Ready!  Get set! …..