A couple new items

Today I noticed a few new things.  The first was really obvious since it was occurring about 20 feet from the driveway.  We have permanent power going in.  You can see in the picture below that there is a transformer on the pole and lots of electricians working.

In fact, I was so distracted by electrical power, that I nearly missed the other very obvious thing happening.  We now have a garage door and an opener.  Ah, the luxuries that I miss so much since living in an appartment!


We are making some progress inside as well.  The ceiling has been stamped and the walls painted a very cool icy light blue.  Lighting inside is very poor right now and those pictures are not turning out well.  When we get better pictures, I will post those.

Last, we just bought our new furniture and appliances this weekend!  Naturally we are not having them delivered until mid-October.  The dates can be changed if we are not “in” the house by then.  We are in the home-stretch now.