Septic system going in

I was over at the house the other day and the fast pace is continuing.  Trenches have been dug from house to septic tank hole and on out to four septic lines.  Below is the septic tank in place and only partially covered.  The two green access points will still be seen above ground, but the rest will be buried.  This portion of the system is directly east of the house.

In the next picture, the septic lines go north a few feet and then at a 90 degree angle east about 50 feet or so.  You can see additional access points installed at the end of this first main line.

From those access points, four trenches have been dug heading south/ south west through the side yard and across the entire back yard.  That’s about 150 feet.  You might be able to see some of the septic lines in this picture below.


Here you can see the four septic lines snaking across the backyard each like a giant anaconda.  These will be buried at least a half foot to a foot (or more hopefully) below ground.


Perhaps the inhabitants of these trenches aren’t snakes, but space aliens?