Siding is on

After all of the rain that was happening last week we finally caught a break in the weather and got some more external work done.  I think also having a meltdown due to the basement water problem also prompted that work now obvious in the photo below.

Our siding is on all the way around the house. In addition, blue, non-functional, but very pretty shutters are on the front windows as well.  Unfortunately, no gutters are up yet.  While Tom and I were there, we heard and saw the sump pump still getting water out from under the house.  The floor the basement is still a bit damp, but not deep enough to raise fish!

We still don’t have the septic tank in yet but are expecting that to go in this week.  We spent about an hour knocking down weeds to the immediate east of the house (left side off of the photo).  In theory, the septic installers can now see the flags better to guide their work.