Watch out for giant ragweed

After our encounter with butterweed, I had hoped we wouldn’t encounter any more significant weed problems until we had a equipment to deal with it better.  A vain hope. Our new pest is giant ragweed.

It is covering everything including mounds that were left after the driveway was put in.  These monster weeds are at least 5 feet high.

Here is another shot looking down our driveway.  Ragweed on both sides.

Yes, there is even random volunteer corn plants growing.  Good grief.

Since right now we have no tractor or any other equipment, we hired a company to bush hog about 7 acres.  At least half of the problem is taken care of and the neighbors aren’t looking at us cock-eyed any more.  I suspect they were beginning to think we were growing some other type of weed.  In any case, this is what the front half of our property looks like now. You can see where the middle of the mound was mowed down and the sides are still there – like a reverse mohawk haircut.  Out past our house the weeds begin again.

Looks a lot better though, doesn’t it?

There sure are a lot of weeds left though.

And yes, in case you wondered, that corn plant has met its maker as well.