Foundation complete!

Tom was at the house today and took these pictures of the completed foundation.  As you can see in the first picture, the garage has a layer of gravel throughout and it appears that dirt was backfilled into the trenches outside the walls.  All of those mounds of dirt are flat!

In the next picture, it looks like gravel was put in the trenches below the top layer of dirt.  Looking carefully, you can see there is still gravel in the basement area and not concrete.  At first, I thought concrete should be poured in the garage and basement as the last step for the foundation to be complete.  After some checking, we found out that this is done much later in the build process. In fact, it is done after the floor, walls, and roof are complete and weather-tight.  This is so no water gets into the basement.  The next steps are framing the floor, walls, and roof. Stay tuned!